“Spirituality is an inner fire, a mystical sustenance that feeds our souls. The mystical journey drives us into ourselves, to a sacred flame at our center. The purpose of life's experiences is to develop the eyes by which we see this inner flame, and our capacity to live its mystery. In its presence, we are warmed and ignited. When too far from the blaze, we are cold and spiritually lifeless. We are less than human without that heat. Our connection to our center is life itself.”
~ Marianne Williamson
Beautiful sister - This isn't a course on periods
It's about harnessing the power of seasonal cycles and lunar rhythms to spiral upwards as a Great Goddess that you are!
Do you feel your own body,
your blood, your breath,
dancing to Her eternal song?
Daughters of the Moon,
Mothers of the Earth,
Witches of the Wheel,
Sisters of the Cycle.
Together we gather in temple,
In sisterhood, ceremony and song.
We remember
We attune
We embody
We cycle…
Natural cycles- like the Menstrual cycle, Moon phases, and Seasons - are Ancient blueprints for your body and soul, providing the Map for your Divine timing & Success.
If you're done struggling through yet another day filled with exhaustion, stress & anxiety while staring at your mile-long to-do list, then I invite you to embrace cyclical living.
This is the ultimate time to transform the way you live your life, build your business or birth anything new into this world!!
Sacred Spiral is your map to inner strength, and creative fertility, by honoring your inner authority, natural pace and divine timing!!

The Divine Femimine is urging us to:
● Return to a loving relationship with our bodies, the earth, and each other
● Remember how to live attuned to natural rhythms and cycles
● Cultivate a deeper connection with our divine humanity
Are you desiring these things too, sister?
By tuning into the inherent wisdom of our own bodies and natural patterns, through reconnection and alignment with our natural ebb & flow within and around us, we can rebuild our life and work on a sustainable foundation, filled with creativity, intuition and ease.
Maybe you have been wondering why you feel full of energy, your social and confident one day, and withdrawn, sensitive and emotional another.
why on some days everything seems to flow with ease and other times you wake up " not feeling yourself. " and nothing goes as planned.
Energetic, fatigued or creative - our physical energy and emotions are in constant change, in tune with the internal cycles and the cosmic patterns.
Learning and aligning into work with these patterns can have profound effects on every aspect of your life: work, relationships, business, health, wealth and love.
When you are able to observe and anticiapte your physical, mental and energetic states, you can shape your schedule to be the most supportive and expansive for YOU!

~Understand your unique energetic cycle and how to harness your power for the greatest means
~Understand your needs and learn the tools to get them met
~Fuel your radiance by setting healthly boundaries
~Incorporate the cycles of the moon, the goddess & cosmic energy
~Harness the magic of your womb, and move into a more authentic way of being
~Rebalance and harmonize your life with your unique ebb and flow
~Embody the divine feminine essence within you
~Reclaim the magic harnessed within your womb
~Connect to the healing energy of unite women in sisterhood
~ Know a consistent and predictable state of energy
~Reconnect to your natural state of flow
~Be initiated into your Goddess form, as you honor the sacredness of your womanhood
Are You Ready To:
Sacred Spiral is your pathway back to YOU!!!

~ Experience an increase in creativity and intuitive or psychic gifts
~ Strengthen their confidence and self-trust
~ Leave toxic jobs and misaligned relationships
~ Find and create dream jobs and relationships
~ Innovate new ways to share their passions and talents, start businesses
~ Improve their health and self-care practices to feel more energized
~ Gain inner peace and joy at higher levels than ever before!
This is a 30 day container to honor the connected cycles of the moon & cosmic forces
And here is the journey we will take together:
Maiden , Mother & Crone
Accessing the Wisdom of the Womb
Sensuality, Sexuality & Power
Awareness & Conciousness
Energetic Blueprint embodiment
Understanding your Human design
Honoring your moon cycle
Spiritual self vs Human Self
Time & Space
Kronos & Kairos Time, linear space, time & matter
Habits, Routines & Ritual Creation
Understanding your ebbs & flows and how to create a supportive schedule.
Consistent Energy habits
Energetic Standards & Boundaries
Healthy Relationships,
Balancing the Masculine & Feminine
Sacred Cycles is for you if you are:
Desiring a more consistent spiritual practice in your life
Seeking deeper self understanding through divine feminine archetypes
Ready for more vitality, truth, and healing to transform your life
Longing for a sanctuary and a sisterhood to be fully seen, held, and supported on your path
Willing to open up, receive, and remember your wisdom, power, and spiritual gifts
You will walk away from our time together with understanding how to incorporate and embody
The meaning of your inner seasons.
What each phase represents.
How to navigate through each phase.
Understanding the cycle of death and rebirth you move through every month.
How to use your cycle to live a more authentic and balanced life.
How to use your cycle to create, work, and express yourself.
A guide to help you live a life in harmonious balance.
You womb and her relationship to the moon.
Natural remedies for menstruation.
The archetypes within your seasons.
Practices to help you embody the archetype within each phase.
Understand your own unique cyclical nature.
A deeper understanding of yourself as a woman.

THIS is how you create the new paradigm and reconnect to living & working in alignment with nature.
Learn to flow your flow
Learn to honor your dreams
Learn to honor your magic
Learn to embody your creative flow
Reconnect to your femininity
Reconnect to your potent medicine
Reconnect to your Sacred Cycles
We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies.
You recognize and agree that we have made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future prospects or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of our products, and that we have not authorized any such projection, promise, or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings.