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You're an intuitive, kind hearted woman with a deep knowing that you're here for a big purpose. You hold spiritual and intuitive gifts inside of you, that when shared at their fullest potential, will contribute to the massive awakening that is happening on this planet. You came here already encoded with the unique wisdom, gifts and the blueprint to fulfil your purpose, and in your clearest moments you feel the REALNESS and BIGNESS of what you're here to do. UnBound is a safe and transformational journey where you will alchemise the deep energetic wounds of persecution, suppression and trauma around the divine feminine consciousness. (Including, but not limited to, the witch hunt era). YOU will activate: - deep confidence and belief in yourself and the work you're here to do. - new level of alignment to your soul work and soul purpose. - deep sense of safety while you expand your presence as a leader in your field and experience profound growth in your work. - unshakable trust in yourself, your intuition and the higher guidance that's coming through you. - ability to be seen and share your work wider, while feeling integrated and sustained in your body and energy field. For the Woman who desires to Unbind herself from ALL THINGS that keep her small, quiet and humble. I invite you to join the journey that takes you through the remebrance of your ancestral magik. It leads you into the darkness, but emerges into the light to allow you to become fully unbound!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


Single Payment
2 Plans Available
From US$777.00


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